
READING LIST | 3 books to help you understand Oman

Oman hit the headlines recently after the passing of the country’s ruler of 49 years, Sultan Qaboos Al Said, in January 2020. These three books constitute an essential reading list for anyone with an interest in Oman – whether academic, professional or otherwise. They include both non-fiction and fiction books covering useful information about the country’s fascinating history, complex politics, and the ever-evolving cultural dynamics that make the Sultanate so special.

Coffee and Conflict in Yemen: The Monk of Mokha

The Monk of Mokha by Dave Eggers tells the encapsulating story of Mokhtar Alkhanshali, a Yemeni-American who travels to Yemen to start a social enterprise to reignite the ancient art of Yemeni coffee. There’s only one problem – when Mokhtar set out in 2014, Yemen was on the brink of civil war.

READING LIST | 10 books to help you understand Yemen

Yemen: The poorest country in the Middle East; The corner of the Arabian Peninsula widely ignored as the oil monarchies of the Gulf rose to riches and global prominence; And now, embroiled in a deadly civil war protracted by the interference of external powers, further destabilising an already war-torn region. Yemeni politics can be highly confusing for outsiders. These 10 books will help you understand this complex country and the ongoing conflict.

5 Middle East books to read this Christmas

The holidays are upon us again! As we take time to relax at home with…

Farewell, Damascus: On the Road to Freedom

Set in 1960s Damascus, Ghada Samman’s novel is an eminent celebration of life and female emancipation, but it also serves as a poignant reminder that the same rights and freedom of women are still being fought over both in the Syria and around the world.

Iran’s city of lies – Extraordinary stories of love, sex and death in Tehran

The Islamic Republic of Iran stumbled into 2018 making headlines around the world. Thousands of…

An Unsafe Haven: Essential Reading on World Refugee Day

On World Refugee Day, we think everyone should read An Unsafe Haven by Nada Awar…

The Last Optimist in Baghdad

The Last Optimist in Baghdad by Dr Brian Brivati is the true story of Ghassan…

The Silk Roads: History as you’ve never been taught it

If you read one book this year, it should be Peter Frankopan’s The Silk Roads:…