North Africa

4 Things that may surprise you on a first trip to Egypt

Egypt is one of the most thoroughly mythologised countries in the world. In a way this is perhaps only natural given that its history extends back to one of the most impressive and awe-inspiring early civilisations of the human age. Nevertheless, particularly in some western cultures, the idea of what Egypt is, or even what it looks like, has been twisted somewhat by everything from conspiratorial TV shows to animated online video games.

Kasbah Bab Ourika: Paradise Found

If you’re visiting Morocco, don’t miss a trip to Kasbah Bab Ourika in the Atlas Mountains. Its authenticity and deep connection to the local environment shine through in every detail – from the rose petals scattered on your pillow on arrival to the bowls of home-grown oranges on every table top. Just a stone’s throw from Marrakech, it’s the perfect place to relax, recharge and come back to yourself.

5 reasons why you should learn Arabic

1. It’s useful! Arabic is the fifth most widely spoken language in the world. With…

Islamic State, Libya and the new Cold War

Eyes have been on Libya in the wake of the bombing that killed 22 people…