
Coffee and Conflict in Yemen: The Monk of Mokha

The Monk of Mokha by Dave Eggers tells the encapsulating story of Mokhtar Alkhanshali, a Yemeni-American who travels to Yemen to start a social enterprise to reignite the ancient art of Yemeni coffee. There’s only one problem – when Mokhtar set out in 2014, Yemen was on the brink of civil war.

READING LIST | 10 books to help you understand Yemen

Yemen: The poorest country in the Middle East; The corner of the Arabian Peninsula widely ignored as the oil monarchies of the Gulf rose to riches and global prominence; And now, embroiled in a deadly civil war protracted by the interference of external powers, further destabilising an already war-torn region. Yemeni politics can be highly confusing for outsiders. These 10 books will help you understand this complex country and the ongoing conflict.

Evelyn Naón Ibiza – Scents of the Silk Road

When you think of the Silk Roads, the ancient trading routes between East and West,…

13 essential blogs and websites to help you understand the Middle East

These 13 English-language Middle East blogs and websites are essential reading for anyone interested in Middle East politics and culture.

Socotra: Conflict and climate threaten Yemen’s “alien” island paradise

Famous for its bizarre natural life and dramatic scenery, the Yemeni island of Socotra is…

‘Dancing on the heads of snakes’: Yemen after Ali Abdullah Saleh

Ali Abdullah Saleh craftily played Yemen’s tribes, Islamist groups and foreign governments off against one another throughout his 33-year rule and he continued to do so after he was ousted from power in 2011. But his most recent power-play, an alliance with the northern Houthi insurgent group, which he previously fought six wars against, turned out to be too much of a gamble.

Trump in Saudi Arabia: What you missed while the media were obsessing over Melania’s wardrobe

Donald Trump visited Saudi Arabia over the weekend on his first official foreign trip, signing…

Yemeni town awaits an offensive that could turn the tide of the war – but at a cost

International eyes have, for once, been on Yemen in recent weeks, as the catastrophic humanitarian…

Saudi Arabia and Iran: Playing with Fire in Petroland

“Aren’t the Saudis your friends?” the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, once asked President Obama.…